Pickets expose Royal India bosses’ shameful behavior

Updated June 24th, 2024 to clarify Dastoor rebranding

It’s been 4 months since SeaSol and former Royal India workers delivered their demand letter to get their unpaid wages, and Royal India (Now Dastoor) STILL hasn’t paid them. But what’s been happening since then? Here’s a summary:

  • SeaSol and workers have been picketing steadily with plenty of energy to keep up the fight! Community members in Kirkland have shown overwhelming support, and many have their own stories to tell about bad experiences at Royal India.
  • At every picket, more workers come forward. There is now a list of over 20 workers who have not been paid by the thieving Bhatti bosses, who try to scare them away. The stories are all the same: the workers’ weeks or months of hard work is met with no money, bounced checks, “come back tomorrow, come back next week” excuses, and/or threats and intimidation.
  • Instead of paying their workers, the Royal India bosses have spent their money and time on having a lawyer write a bogus cease-and-desist letter (protesting is protected by the First Amendment) and very poorly-made counter picket signs. The Bhatti family appeared to rope in many different family members and spouses. They and their managers write phony reviews online pretending to be “very satisfied customers” or “happy workers” from Royal India.
  • There are some exciting developments behind the scenes – stay tuned for more information soon!
Picketing Royal India wage-thieving bosses in the rain
Picketing Royal India wage-thieving bosses in the rain – photo credit to B.B. on Facebook